Fluent Forever Video Resources
Video Tutorials Youtube videos are a great way to demonstrate some of these concepts - you can see exactly what I’m suggesting, hear pronunciation examples, etc. I intend to expand…
Find out the best way to learn a language including tips for learning a new language, how to improve vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and speech.
Video Tutorials Youtube videos are a great way to demonstrate some of these concepts - you can see exactly what I’m suggesting, hear pronunciation examples, etc. I intend to expand…
How to learn pronunciation in a foreign language This is an unconventional addition from the classical singer world, though it’s an approach backed up by some wonderful teachers. Speaking…
When you remove translation from your language learning process, you can learn to think in your target language from the beginning. This idea has made the Middlebury Language Schools so…
Share This Article Facebook-f Twitter Youtube Instagram I've talked about this tool a few times so far. Basically, you do a Google Images search in your target language, you switch to Basic Mode (which…
We’ve covered grammar a few times in the past, but as I’m in the middle of writing the grammar chapter in my book, this might be a nice opportunity to go through grammar in some depth.
When I learn a new word, I look it up in 4 places:
This gives me everything I need to make my cards quickly, but it’s a pain in the butt to enter my word into Anki, then do it 4 more times into the search fields, especially when #1 and #4 (the sites I’ve preloaded into Google translate) don’t let you enter things into their search fields directly (it kills the Google translate part).
I found a solution last night.
This is some early bookstore research for a bunch of foreign language dictionary reviews. I went to two large bookstores (The enormous Half Price Books and the equally enormous Barnes…
I've been fielding questions about my methods for Hungarian and how they might work for a less phonetic language like French, with multiple ways of spelling a single sound. Today,…
Using the deck I made on Dec 21, it took me 9 days at <20 minutes/day to basically learn the sounds of Hungarian and the Hungarian alphabet. Total time spent:…
It's not *much* of a surprise, but the cutting edge of research in terms of ear training seems to be audio tests with minimal pairs (Bit/Bat, Sit/Sat, Bit/Sit) and immediate…