General American English: Facts & Pronunciation Resources

General American English: Facts & Pronunciation Resources

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Updated on 3rd June, 2022

Note: I wrote this article before the release of our language learning app and Live Coaching programs, and it talks about using the Fluent Forever pronunciation trainer flashcards in the Anki software. You can now download the Fluent Forever app to practice your American English pronunciation to fluency.

Definition of General American English 

General American English Pronunciation, also known as Standard American English, broadly represents the non-specific accent with which a majority of Americans speak English. Encompassing a wide variety of American speakers of English, this neutral accent serves as a distinct marker of American identity while revealing no distinguishing regional, ethnic, or socioeconomic features.

General American English also goes by the terms Broadcast English and Network English because of its use by TV newscasters and actors, as well as being spoken by many middle-class citizens – much like the UK’s Received Pronunciation or BBC English.

Origin and history of the General American English accent

It was in 1925 that American English linguist George Philip Krapp coined the description General American to indicate a widespread mode of speaking that was “Western” yet “not local in character.” 

The pronunciation features of this group of accents stem from the early 20th-century English spoken in the inland Northeastern United States, namely western New England, inner Pennsylvania, Upstate New York, and the Great Lakes region. 

The term General American has survived to this day. More recently, the 2006 Atlas of North American English grouped the regional accents of Western U.S., Midland U.S., and Canada as variants under the General American English umbrella.

Other American accents

Other prevalent American accents in the United States beyond ​​General American English are those spoken in Eastern New England, New York City, and the American South – where the accent is referred to as Southern English. One particular characteristic of the first of these accents is that, unlike General American, it loses the rhotic /r/ wherever this consonant follows a vowel.

So what does General American English sound like? 

Let’s now turn our attention to the phonology of the General American English accent. Together we’ll learn how its features are distinct from those of British English, or Received Pronunciation, and the sounds of other languages. 

Typical General American accent features span the gamut of consonants and vowels. Essential Video 1 below covers the sounds we make to pronounce the 25 consonants of General American English. Here I delve into the glottal stop, dental consonants and their combinations, the nasal [ɲ], and elements such as the rounded [ɾ] and the velar [ɫ]. In Video Number 2 I talk about the vowels, including the schwa, diphthongs, and r-sounding vowel combinations with an [ɚ] ending

The sections below act as a central place to keep the instructional videos that you should watch before using your pronunciation trainer for General American English. Lets begin!

Essential videos to start learning

– Instructions for using your pronunciation trainer effectively
– English (General American) Video 1: English (General American) Phonetics and Spelling
– English (General American) Video 2: English (General American) Vowels
– English (General American) Video 3: A Handful of English (General American) Spelling Rules

How to use Anki

– How to use Anki for the first time
– Creating an AnkiWeb account
– Getting Anki synchronized across your various devices
– I’m having trouble installing Anki or the deck, where can I get help?

Modifying your deck

– Optional spelling test version

Language learning resources

– Other useful resources specifically for learning English (General American)
– Fluent Forever Help Center

Fluent Forever pronunciation trainers vs. the Fluent Forever app

– Are the Fluent Forever pronunciation trainers the same as the Fluent Forever App?
– I heard you have an app, but I just bought your other materials. What do I do?

Next stage of the Fluent Forever method

– I’ve completed the pronunciation trainer, what do I do next?

Updates to the pronunciation trainer

– Pronunciation trainer versions changes
– Bug reports to be reviewed
– Get the latest version

Essential videos to start learning

Instructions for using your pronunciation trainer effectively:

English (General American) Video 1: English (General American) Phonetics and Spelling

English (General American) Video 2: English (General American) Vowels

English (General American) Video 3: A Handful of English (General American) Spelling Rules

Note: If youd like more information on phonetics and the IPA, check out this series of videos. I’ve also created the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Anki deck, which is available at the Fluent Forever shop.

How to use Anki

How to use Anki for the first time

First, youll need to install Anki onto your computer if you haven’t already. The details of how to install Anki is provided in the ReadMe file you received with your pronunciation trainer. Once you have followed these instructions and installed Anki, youre free to start studying using the pronunciation trainer deck.

s also the Anki language learners community on Reddit. You can even check out this Anki language learning blog for other Anki tips and tricks for learning English.

If youve never dealt with Anki before, weve created Anki video tutorials to help guide you when using Anki for the first time. You will find tutorials about:

  • Getting Anki installed and making your first flashcards
  • Installing the Model Deck
  • Learning Simple Spellings and Sounds with the Model Deck
  • Learning Simple Words with the Model Deck
  • Creating Flashcards with images and sound files

Go to our Using Anki page to access the tutorials.

Creating an AnkiWeb account

Create a free AnkiWeb account to regularly and automatically save your Anki data online by syncing your computer’s Anki account.

This is useful if you lose all your Anki files on your computer and want to download the latest version of your Anki decks and cards. Having an AnkiWeb account means you can also study your Anki deck and cards on several devices, such as your computer, smartphone and tablet, and you can easily move your decks and cards to different devices.

Getting Anki synchronized across your various devices (laptops, smartphones, etc.)

I’m having trouble installing Anki or the deck. Where can I get help?

If you are having difficulties installing Anki or the deck, please check out the Fluent Forever Help Center as your question may already be answered there.

If you cant find the answer at the Fluent Forever Help Center, you can send us an email. Please include as much detail as possible and screenshots of the issue.

Modifying your deck

Optional spelling test version

This is an optional version of the deck that asks you to actually type in words to test your spelling, rather than just spelling out the words in your head.

Ive included a pre-made version of this called the “Optional Spelling Test Version” in the pronunciation trainer download. If you would like to have this feature in your deck, please follow the instructions in your ReadMe file.

Language learning resources

Other useful resources specifically for learning General American English

We have a dedicated page of other English language learning resources for you to check out. These are books, websites, and tools that I personally recommend using.

There is also a general language learning resources page on our website that provides a list of tools and resources that may also be useful for you.

There are also some useful Anki flashcards for English to improve your pronunciation, such as the English alphabet, IPA pronunciation, English minimal pairs, and other useful goodies.

You can even access ready-made English Anki decks to boost up your English vocabulary which is recommended, as it could save you time and get you started faster.

Fluent Forever Help Center

The Fluent Forever help center provides you with advice and answers from the Fluent Forever team about the most common questions users have. You can access articles about:

Fluent Forever pronunciation trainers vs. the Fluent Forever app

Are the Fluent Forever pronunciation trainers the same as the Fluent Forever app?

Nope, theyre different!

The Fluent Forever pronunciation trainers are a set of videos and audio-visual flashcards. To use them, you watch some videos on YouTube, then you download a flashcard app called Anki, load our pronunciation trainer flashcards into Anki, and start studying. After 2-3 weeks, youll have a solid foundation in the sound system of your target language, both in terms of ear training and in terms of the spelling system. After that, you can go create flashcards on your own within Anki, as described within the Fluent Forever book. We began creating these trainers in 2013 and finished in late 2017.

The Fluent Forever app is a much bigger project that were currently working on. Many of our users have had trouble learning how to use Anki, or have found that parts of the flashcard creation process were overly tedious. Instead of spending all of their time exploring their new language, they were getting stuck, spending their time struggling with flashcard creation.

In response, we decided to make our own mobile app that could automate the entire Fluent Forever method, so that a student could focus all of their time on exploring their target language, while the app created flashcards automatically, based upon that students choices. While the Fluent Forever app does teach pronunciation in the first few weeks, thats only a small part of what it can do. Its designed to take you all the way to fluency, teaching you vocabulary and grammar from 1,875 sentences were making, and letting every user of the app share their original content with every other user of the app. Within the next year or two, this will become the largest database of easily learnable sentences in the world. We began this project in late 2017, and we should have a final version ready by August of 2018.

I heard you have an app in development, but I just bought your other materials. What do I do?

Want to get the Fluent Forever app? You can still help Fluent Forever create the first app that can bring you all the way to fluency – find Fluent Forever on Indiegogo.

Next stage of the Fluent Forever method

Ive completed the pronunciation trainer. What do I do next?

If you have completed the pronunciation trainer deck, you will no longer see any daily cards to review in Anki. If you’re still having problems with pronunciation, you could ask for help at the Reddit Forum for Anki Language Learning or try for help. There are also other websites that have pre-made flashcard deck resources which are highly recommended, such as the alphabet flashcards, IPA pronunciation flashcards and other useful goodies. There’s also blogs about language learning tips with Anki in general which could help you.

The next step in becoming fluent in English (General American) is to learn a set of extremely common, simple words using pictures, not translations. There are 625 basics words that are commonly used. You can purchase the wordlist for English (General American) at the shop and begin creating cards to study.

There’s also the option of using ready-made decks of English vocabulary, or checking out an English frequency dictionary.

You can read more about this stage of the Fluent Forever method in Chapter 4 of the Fluent Forever book, entitled “Word Play and the Symphony of a Word.” If you dont already have the book, you can purchase the audiobook version at our shop or buy a physical copy online.

Updates to the pronunciation trainer

Pronunciation trainer versions changes

The following are the various versions of the General American English pronunciation trainer, listed from the newest to oldest, along with information on new features and improvements in each version.

Version 3.0

On June 16, 2018, the Fluent Forever English (General American) Pronunciation Trainer Version 3.0 was released to the public.

What’s new

  • Upgraded the version number to 3.0, as part of a major concurrent update for all pronunciation trainers in order:
    • To phase out all Beta releases and move all trainers into non-Beta
    • To make all trainers uniform by placing them within the 3.0 version series (even for trainers without a Version 2.0)
    • To make it easier for version control in the future
  • Updated the names of the folders, zip file, and other files of the pronunciation trainer so that they are all standardized, easier to understand, and follow the same conventions as all other pronunciation trainers in the 3.0 version series
  • Updated the URLs and titles of the Pronunciation Trainer Resources page so that they are all standardized, easier to understand, and follow the same conventions as all other pronunciation trainers in the 3.0 version series
  • Added a new hidden, suspended note in the Pronunciation Trainer Anki deck which includes basic information about the current version number of that particular deck. This will make it faster for users to get Fluent Forever tech support for their specific version.
  • Improved the documentation and accessibility of version release notes and bug reports with updates
Word Stress cards
  • Added new “Word Stress” cards for languages with word stress rules. Those languages included: Spanish LA, Spanish EU, Dutch, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese.
What’s the Meaning of Words cards
  • Deprecated “Whats the word?” and “Whats the word mean?” card types
  • Modified the “Picture Words” card model so that it doesnt force students to try and memorize words, but rather just spell them or pronounce them out loud
  • Created distinct trainer versions for “Old Users” and “New Users.” Old Users are those who have already installed and used the trainer in the past, and would like to update their trainer. New Users have never installed and used the trainer before. Users must use their respective trainer version so that the “Picture Words” cards display properly.
ReadMe file
  • Changed the filetype from HTML to PDF
  • Updated the design of the ReadMe file, such as the color scheme and formatting, to improve user experience
  • Improved the explanations of each of the ReadMe file steps to make them easier to understand
  • Included screenshots of the main steps to make the ReadMe file more user-friendly
  • Added an FAQ section with useful answers, such as suggestions for what to do after finishing the trainer, and the difference between the pronunciation trainer and the Fluent Forever app
  • Removal of references in the ReadMe file to the Beta version of the trainer
  • Included link to the Fluent Forever app as a faster alternative to the trainer
Bug fixes
  • No bug reports were submitted by customers for the previous version (“All versions prior to Version 3.0”). Therefore, no bug fixes were made for Version 3.0.

Responses to previous bug reports

Other bug reports may have been given about the previous version of this trainer, and all of them were checked and considered. To see a full list of the bug reports that were checked, including details of whether those bugs were fixed or not fixed for the latest version of the trainer, please see this trainers Bug Reports for All Versions Prior to Version 3.0.

All versions prior to Version 3.0

Bug fixes & bug reports
  • No bug reports were submitted by customers for the previous version (“All versions prior to Version 3.0”).

Bug reports to be reviewed

American English PronunciationCurrently there are no bugs reported for Version 3.0.

If you encounter problems with your trainer: Please check that you are using the latest version of the pronunciation trainer before reporting any bugs.

If you encounter problems and are using the latest version: Either email it over or post it to the forum. Include screenshots if possible (if you need an image upload service, use, and be as detailed as you can! If the forum won’t cooperate or if you have something you’d prefer to send in private, send an email.

Please read through the bug report to check whether the bug has already been reported before sending an email or posting on the forum.

Get the latest version

American English PronunciationLatest version of the Pronunciation Trainer: Version 3.0

If you have previously purchased the pronunciation trainer, you should have received an email regarding the release of the latest version and the direct link to download the latest version. If you did not receive the latest version, please send us an email.

If you do not have the pronunciation trainer, you can purchase it here. Or go down the more efficient, automated route by learning General American English pronunciation in the Fluent Forever app.